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Local therapy of problematic zones

Local therapy of problematic zones

Keti Paksashvili

Lifestyle, eating habits, amounts of physical activity, genetics, biological age of the client are reflected in the quality of the skin and its turgor.

The main problems that one has to face in the beautician’s cabin are puffiness, cellulite, local and total excess fat deposits. ReNeo cosmetics offers 3 effective body care protocols to solve them. In this video, we’ll talk about cellulite.

Clients call as cellulite the local areas that are visually associated with the orange peel effect: wavy relief, pale color, increased pain threshold.

Cosmetologists by cellulite mean structural changes in the subcutaneous fat layer of the skin, which are characterized by hypertrophy of adipocytes – fat cells. Microcirculation is impaired, which leads to congestion and hypoxia of the connective tissue. The compaction process intensifies and the well-known “orange peel” appears. By the way, doctors will give the third definition of cellulite, but today we will not talk about that.

Procedure Local therapy of problem areas:

  • enhances microcirculation
  • removes stagnation in tissues
  • activates cell metabolism
  • strengthens the dermis
  • improves skin turgor and tone

The first stage of the procedure is exfoliation. P317 Creamy Scrab gently removes dead skin cells using natural jojoba microgranules, leaving the skin smooth and ready for subsequent skincare.

After exfoliation, we use a P319 Thermo-Active Slim Gel for problem areas. The product has a heating effect, directly affects the metabolism of cells, and provides a powerful lipolytic and lymphatic drainage effect.

On the warmed-up skin we begin to massage, with the help of P318 Light Massage Oil. In the procedure, you can apply both lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite massage – at your choice.

A very important stage of the procedure is the application of a warm alginate mask. Dense alginate creates excellent occlusion conditions for deeper penetration of previously applied products. Has a comfortable time of plasticization, has a firming, mineralizing effect on the skin.

At the end of the procedure, apply the H324 Refreshing Foot Gel to the entire surface of the feet. It has a vaso-strengthening and anti-edema effect, gives a feeling of coolness.

ReNeo cosmetics specialists recommend a comprehensive approach to body care – to combine  Local therapy of problem areas with other care programs: Express detox and SPA-active.

Always consolidate the effect of professional procedures with home care!

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