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Keti Paksashvili

Lifestyle, eating habits, amount of physical activity, genetics, biological age of the client are reflected in the quality of the skin and its turgor.

The main problems that one has to face in the beautician’s cabin are puffiness, cellulite, local and total excess fat deposits. ReNeo cosmetics offers 3 effective body care protocols to solve them. In this video we will talk about excess body fat.

The accumulation of fat occurs by increasing the size of already existing fat cells – cell hypertrophy. If the size of adipocytes – fat cells reach a critical size, their number also begins to increase and persists for life.

Our task is to activate the processes of lipolysis, to increase the energy consumption of adipocytes. To increase their metabolic activity and stimulate lipolysis, the SPA-active procedure was developed. You can lose weight comfortably, with benefits for the skin, without losing its tone and turgor.

The first stage of the procedure is exfoliation. P317 Creamy Scrab makes the skin smooth and prepared for the subsequent use of active products.

After exfoliation begin massage with P152 Relaxing Blueberry Massage Gel. This versatile gel is comfortable for any massage technique. It provides an infinitely long glide and a very pleasant tactile sensation!

After the massage, prepare a P322 Chocolate Thermo-Cacoon. After wrapping, the client will need to take a shower.

Finish with H323 Moisturizing Silky Fluid.

ReNeo cosmetics specialists recommend a comprehensive approach to body care – combine  the SPA-active procedure with other care programs: Express detox and Local therapy of problem areas.

Always consolidate the effect of professional procedures with home care.

The complex approach to body care from reNeo cosmetics gives lasting and distinct results!

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